Carol Kerven

Carol Kerven - Development socio-economist

Carol is a social anthropologist by training and a development socio-economist in practice. She has sought to straddle the line between field research on agricultural systems, and engaging in development implementation projects, in the conviction that development work should be better informed by scientific research. Carol began her career working for 6 years in Botswana, doing field work and then on a national survey of human migration and running a research network.  She became interested in extensive livestock systems in semi-arid regions and carried out field research on pastoralist household economies in western Sudan and in Somalia, interspersed with consultancies for USAID, World Bank, IFAD, EC, DANIDA, NORAD, OXFAM.  She then worked for 3 years on a farming systems research programme in Zambia, followed by research on pastoralism at Overseas Development Institute, London, in Mongolia and Namibia. In the mid 1990s after the collapse of the Soviet Union, Carol obtained grants for inter-disciplinary research on the impact of decollectivisation on pastoralists, livestock and rangelands in Central Asia.  For the past 15 years she has gained funding to work with Central Asian, European and American researchers and development specialists on the pastoralist systems of Kazakhstan, Turkmenistan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan and western China. Grants have been obtained from Aga Khan Foundation, UNDP, USAID, and DFID. In the past ten years, she has carried out consultancies on livestock-related issues in Africa and Asia for FAO, IFAD, EC, IUCN, IIED, USAID and Save the Children USA. Carol edited the journal Nomadic Peoples for 4 years and in 2009 started a new peer-reviewed journal Pastoralism- research, policy and practice, open access published online by Springer.

Emailcarol.kerven @

CV:  Carol Kerven CV

Country Experience:  Afghanistan, Botswana, Britain, Canada, China, Ethiopia, Ghana, Kazakhstan, Kenya, Kyrgyzstan, Malawi, Mongolia, Namibia, Somalia, Sudan, Tajikistan, Tanzania, Turkmenistan, Uganda,  Yemen, Zambia, Zimbabwe
